Konstantina Maidatsi

My name is Maidatsi Konstantina and I was born in Ioannina in 1987. I graduated in Informatics & Telecommunications from the Department Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (University of Ioannina) and completed my postgraduate studies (MSc) in Information Technologies and Information Systems of the Department of Informatics at the Ionian University. I have a Certificate in Pedagogical Competence, Mental Health and Vocational Guidance from ASPETE (School of Pedagogical and Technological Education). At the same time, I have been accredited from EOPPEP (National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the Adult Education. In 2019, I was working as a teacher at the Secondary Education, in a Pilot Intervention Program for the State Certificate of Informatics. Since January 2020 I have been working as a teacher at the Institute of Vocational Training. At the same time, I am doing my PhD at the Ionian University in the field of Informatics.

Email: kmaidatsi@ionio.gr

Tel.: +30 26610 87734

Ph.D. Thesis
[1] Konstantina Maidatsi, “Exploiting the Internet of Things in STEM Education: Interconnected Devices and Environmental Education”, On-going Ph.D. Thesis, Ionian University.
Abstract: Given the rapid development of technology and the ideas of people who respect and care for the environment new technological breakthroughs have been created with the aim of more efficient environmental protection and in particular recycling. The contribution of New Technologies to education helps to raise students’ environmental awareness because it is a process that finds students to be very interested in participating. The goal of the thesis is to develop a modular platform for the manufacture of smart devices, starting with a computer unit that can be expanded. Modules can consist of sensors or other components and allow students to build their own hardware and realize that a device has very different applications. Sensor integration will be software-configured. This platform will have real applications and will receive data from the activities that will be implemented. Students will have access to tablets, making them more flexible with their activity data. The persistent stereotypes in STEM education, with regard to persistence in cable-layered construction and programming learning, negate its pedagogical perspective, resulting in students’ interest in lack of practical and personal relevance throughout the content learning phase. For this reason, the connected devices will be programmed by the researcher and the students’ involvement is based on the placement of the existing pieces together with the researcher, its use and the extraction of data from these devices. The purpose is not to explore how the learner will acquire knowledge but how to extend his pre-existing knowledge by interacting with these devices and solving essential problems. The toolkit presented will record the motivational dimensions largely neglected when introducing students to new technologies and interconnected devices. This dissertation will give impetus to the design and implementation of a complete STEM lesson plan that addresses students’ perceptions of sustainable development., 2020.
Conference Papers
[1] Konstantina Maidatsi, Eleni Christopoulou, Konstantinos Oikonomou, “Using STEM Learning Concepts with IoT Technology on the Road of Education for Sustainability: A Short Literature Review”, In 2022 7th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM), 2022.